We have been partnering with many like-minded organizations,
individuals and reading coaches who help us immensely in our journey.



Created to bridge the gap between urban and rural India in areas of education and healthcare, SODEWS has been a valuable Katha on Ratha partner since the beginning of 2018. The RCs of SODEWS are amazons who travel and conduct KOR sessions at multiple primary schools in the Vellore area, many being remote and inaccessible.

Hand In Hand

Hand in hand (HIH), has been implementing KOR sessions in their Residential Special Training Centers since Aug 2016. With excellent improvement in student learning levels and an awesome commitment – 98 hours of learning sessions in just a year, KOR @ HIH is on a roll!

DHAN Foundation

DHAN Foundation has been implementing KOR since Oct 2017 in 7 of its evening tuition centers(DHAN Deepam). The RCs who are trained by KOR are women from the same locale who are interested in creating a difference in the learning levels of the children in their community.

VV Charitable Trust

VV Charitable Trust has been implementing KOR in two districts, benefitting 600+ students. The enthusiastic RCs of Cuddalore district worked tirelessly and have won the prize for the fastest onboarding school of 2019.

Reading Coaches

Mr. Adalarasan

KOR programme has given teachers like us an opportunity to integrate many creative methodologies which have helped in bringing interest among students. KOR helped in improving the learning levels of the students. The programme has paved way for more creativity.

–Mr. Adalarasan, Reading Coach, Poongavanam RSTC, HIH

Mrs. Geetha Lakshmi

Reading has been made very easy for the children. We have students with different needs and skills, and your reading program caters to all these. Students have shown enormous interest in story sessions and activities associated with those stories. The class has thus been made an enjoyable and participative one. The children look forward to KOR sessions every week.           

 – Mrs. Geetha Lakshmi, Panchayat Union Primary School, Karapakkam


Mr. Arumugam

The experience has been extremely satisfying and transformative personally as I myself discovered the storyteller in me. 

Ms. Arthi

Initially, kids were hesitant to speak both in Tamil and English. Upon encouraging, students are sharing their views and now their confidence level has improved.

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